DuraVent is the premier company of the venting industry. With a broad range of engineered venting products, DuraVent has earned its reputation as the industry leader by offering innovative, safe and professional products for the HVAC market.
Selkirk commercial and residential products cover chimney, venting and air distribution applications all over the world.
Hart & Cooley has been a leader in the HVAC industry, offering an extensive product portflio of grilles, registers and diffusers, flexible air duct, type-B gas vent, all fuel chimney and chimney liners.
(800) 433-6341
Builder’s Best supplies national companies with a wide range of venting products. It is our mission to provide quality venting materials at reasonable prices using American labor. We serve and support our community helping local hospitals, libraries, blind and impaired labor employers and Relay for Life, with the hope of helping to make the world a better place to live and work.
American Metal Products comrpises the following four component companies each offering air distribution products and accessories needed for all types of venting systems.